VaMoS 2025 will have two exciting keynotes, an awards’ session, and numerous talks for technical papers, tool demonstration, experience reports, and new and controversial ideas… and of course french-style social events in the beautiful city of Rennes as well as in the large Inria/IRISA research center.
The exact schedule will be put online in the next days. VaMoS will start February 3 with MODEVAR and the conference per se will held February 4, February 5, and February 6.
Variability in brain imaging studies across different analysis pipelines by Camille Maumet (Inria)
February 4
When a change in analysis methods leads to different results, what does it mean for our research findings? In this presentation, I will discuss reproducibility in the field of brain imaging (also known as neuroimaging). Neuroimaging studies are characterized by a very large analysis space, and practitioners usually have to choose between different software, software versions, algorithms, parameters, etc. For many years, these choices have been regarded as implementation details, but it is becoming increasingly clear that the exact choices of analytical strategy can lead to different and sometimes contradictory results. I will review our recent efforts to better understand and manage the different sources of this analytical variability.
Camille Maumet is a research scientist in neuroinformatics at the Empenn team, Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique / IRISA. She studies neuroimaging reproducibility. Her current research focuses on the variability of analytical pipelines and its impact on our ability to reuse (and use) brain imaging datasets. She is also an open science advocate and participates actively in international communities including Brainhack, the INCF, and OHBM Open Science SIG.
Hugo Guillermo Chale-Gongora (Airbus)
February 5 Hugo Guillermo Chale-Gongora is the Head of PLE & Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimisation at Airbus.
Abstract and titles are coming soon!
List of accepted papers
Technical Papers
- Elias Kuiter, Thomas Thüm, Timo Kehrer: Teach Variability! A Modern University Course on Software Product Lines
- Nikolai Käfer, Sven Apel, Christel Baier, Clemens Dubslaff, Holger Hermanns: When to Sample from Feature Diagrams?
- Rahel Sundermann, Sabrina Böhm, Sebastian Krieter, Malte Lochau, Thomas Thüm: Covering T-Wise Interactions of Deployed Configurations
- Richard May, Christian Biermann, Jacob Krüger, Thomas Leich: Asking Security Practitioners: Did You Find the Vulnerable (Mis)Configuration?
- Lukas Birkemeyer, Tobias Pett, Tobias Runge, Ina Schaefer: Selective Sampling: A Complexity-Aware Sampling Strategy for Combinatorial Scenario-based Testing
- Tobias Fellner, Paul Grünbacher: Cross-Vendor Variability Management for Cloud Systems Using the TOSCA DSL
- José Miguel Horcas Aguilera, Mercedes Amor Pinilla, Lidia Fuentes: The Kubernetes variability model
- Michael Mittermaier, Takfarinas Saber, Goetz Botterweck: Applying Graph Neural Networks to Learn Graph Configuration Spaces
- Max Breit, Mathis Weiß, Roman Obermaisser, Malte Lochau: Modeling and Analysis of Configurable Job-Shop Scheduling Problems
- Alexander Felfernig, Damian Garber, Viet-Man Le, Sebastian Lubos: Causality-based Explanations for Feature Model Configuration
Tool, Demo, and Experience Report Papers
- Jude Gyimah, Jan Sollmann, Ole Schuerks, Patrick Franz, Thorsten Berger: A Demo of ConfigFix: Semantic Abstraction of Kconfig, SAT-based Configuration, and DIMACS Export
- Pascal Becker, Sten Gruener, Lukas Linsbauer: Analyzing SCons-Based Industrial Software Product Lines
- Tobias Bergthaler, Matthias Preuner, Paul Grünbacher, Alexander Egyed: Providing the Variation Control System ECCO as a Service
- Richard May, Simon Adler: Experiences in Developing Configurable Digital Twin-assisted xR Applications for Industrial Environments
- Victor Lamas, Maria-Isabel Limaylla-Lunarejo, Miguel R. Luaces, David Romero-Organvidez, José A. Galindo, David Benavides: UVL.js: Experiences on using UVL in the JavaScript Ecosystem
- Sultan Fathurrahman Tsany, Rifqi Farel Muhammad, Dhafin Raditya Juliawan, Maya Retno Ayu Setyautami, Ichlasul Affan: Delta-Oriented Multi-Level Configuration in Payment Gateway Product Lines
- Francisco Sebastian Benitez, José A. Galindo, David Romero Organvídez, David Benavides: UVL web-based editing and analysis with flamapy.ide
New and Controversial Ideas
- Tom Felber, Sebastian Götz: Behavioral Programming in the Large using Variability Management
- Birte Friesel, Olaf Spinczyk: Performance-Aware Behaviour Models for Feature-Dependent Runtime Attributes in Product Lines